FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

LVW backstage notes

--Carmine Esposito's vanishing during the week leading up to this show has driven management up a wall. Javid Dones was heard screaming "He's ruining my elegant booking!" from behind closed doors during an all night planning session. Supposedly the entire World Title Tournament is being re-booked.

--A further note on this, somebody at the belt maker's work space said they saw the LVW World Title, and a 'Carmine Esposito' nameplate being made for it. LVW management would not return calls reguarding this issue.

--Hans stiffed the hell out of Living Dead to end their match. Hans has heat on him in the locker room for his sloppy, stiff style of work, but management sees him as a draw so most likely their complaints will fall on deaf ears.

--Web Browser on the other hand is re-earning the trust of the locker room. He's been working with James Donovan outside the ring to try to improve his in-ring skills. Donovan wanted to work a stiff styled match with Browser, figuring it would be what Browser does naturally. Browser thought the match was pretty good and is hopeful he'll be able to build on it.

--A mole in LVW management says that there will be a lot of new faces on the upcoming show, including a 'former world champion from a big time league'


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