FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Odds and ends

Odds and Ends

-- Sources say that the Marx / Beau match scheduled for week 7 was actually thrown together at the last minute when Michaels' first opponent Lindsay Troy supposedly vetoed the match. Which prompted Michaels to fume 'Who the fuck does she think she is? Just because I get more men than her doesn't mean she can try to stomp around like some little Prissy Princess.

--LVW management is upset with Shorty not taping any promos this week. He's not expected to be booked for next week's show.

--Carmine Esposito is currently trying to work his way back into the good graces of LVW.

--The Sarge isn't happy about being booked against the Spoiler in A1E. He doesn't know what management's plans are for the match, but he is feels he'll lose momentum losing to a star like Spoiler. "And really what does beating a bum like me do for Spoiler?" Sarge was quoted according to a source for FWdirtsheet.


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