FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

LVW News and Notes

LVW News and Notes

--The locker room was impressed by the level of selling Hans did in his match with Bellmoth. Of course not everything can be rosy, as Bellmoth reported a strained neck as a result of the chokeslam from Hans.

--Gladiator worked without the piano wire as an effort to audition for leagues looking for talent, he's currently working as an accountant but wants to get back into the ring if possible.

--James Donovan's promos are well recieved by LVW management who feel that's he's going as far as he should with the character.

--KCLV Chan. 2 was more then happy to give LVW a second hour to air the full first round of their title tournament. The ratings they get for LVW at 1 AM are far more then they get for anything else and the ad buys are equal to what they would get for an half hour OxyClean show anyhow.

--Management is running a search for indy talent that could play the part of a 'can't miss' gimmick. Rumor has it everyone who's been informed of the gimmick is sold on it as well.

--The Gentleman of Leisure was orginally going to be a worker for the company, but all invovled felt it was best he kept to just doing backstage interviews and his own in ring interview show. The Browser/Simmons incident has taught LVW to get very green people into the ring slowly, now that they have the talent base and can hide some of the newer, less trained talent.

--Living Dead doesn't know if he really can get over with his gimmick, which at first he thought would be cool, but he wants to be more vocal and since he's a zombie he can't talk. Diva isn't much help as she sees Dead's struggles as a potental career killer for her.


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