FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Destroying A1E

You know why I'm in Fantasy Wrestling?

To win

It's all I ever care about, winning, I bury my opponents at every corner. I stack Rp's whenever possible, I spend hours in IM's with the people who run the leagues I'm in, poisoning them against the idea of ever giving my opponent a victory over me, or anyone else.

If somebody pitches the idea of storyline to me, I do everything in my power to suck ever mote of heat out of it for myself, at their expense, and then when they face me in the big blow-off match on PPV, I Rp about 20 times to their 3 times, because I am sick in the head AND fantastically lifeless, so this basically assures I shame the fed-head into putting me over, save rare cases (See: Zane, Ricky)

Here's the number of times I've done a job to forward a storyline


Yeah that's right bitches...NEVER...I care only about me...ME! But at least I'm honest.


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