FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Odds and Ends

--The promoters for the ENN Awards Show have reported it's like 'herding cats' trying to get all the talent from the major wrestling organizations to show up for the event. Given that wrestling has little down time and everyone's wrestling in various parts of the world, making scheduling work out has been brutal, but most people think the show will still go forward.

--The internet is still abuzz over the 'teabagging' spot between Troy Windham and Joey Melton...NFW is hopeful the ratings for next week's show and the following week's West/East mega show to big bigger on the heels of such a talked about event, while others fear that the over the top nature of the spot could cause a backlash.

--EPW management has let the locker room know that they are not to talk to reporters from FWdirtsheet..."We're not going to let you start anything up in our locker room." was the quote given to FWdirtsheet.com's lead editor Fred Quib when he asked why several attempts at contacting wrestlers failed to lead to any story.

--LVW made it's most money ever on last week's show. Gladiator is trying to take the credit for the draw, but most people believe it was the fact that UFC has a big cross over audience with Wrestling and that the Liddell/Couture event was a huge draw at Mandalay Bay and that drew a large amount of their gate. LVW is hoping for the same effect when the Team USA Vs Team Canada UFC PPV airs from Mandalay on March 3rd.


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