FWrestling Dirt Sheet

This is the place where all the 'behind the scenes' stuff in FW will be exposed.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A1E news and notes

--Hida is very upset about the way he is being used since rejoining the federation. He feels that he belongs in the main event right now. Will the MBE legend stay around long enough to make it?

-- There is plenty of tension among the powers that be backstage. There seems to be a rebel amongst them that refuses to see things like the rest. Will he be able to sway other's to his way of thinking?

-- Beast versus Big Dog. When it happens it's not going to be pretty. These two honestly don't like each other. Expect tons of shooting and tons of ugliness.

-- Speaking of Beast I don't know if there has ever been a more hated Champion. Many feel that his title win is nothing more then a simple abuse of stroke.

-- JA has yet another shot at the top? Many don't see him getting it done this time either.

-- Due to the antics of certain wrestlers A1E may need to implement a Zero tolerance Drug Policy.

--Is there room for all the ego's currently in A1E? Fly, Beast, Hida, Chip, Farnsy, Spoiler, JA, Irishred...is there anyone willing to work for the good of the company?

--When will Andy finally take a stand against the HPSC? Isn't he sick of being their bitch?


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