WebCop Commentary on: UCW Feb 16th Revoultion.
Hey I'm the WebCop. Don't call me Scooter, that always irks me.
If anyone wants to send me a card to review, just send it to the dirtsheet's main address and I'll be sure to take a look at it, not doing much anyhow.
We begin the show with Big Gay Bruce storming away from Stu Brody, who can't get a word from him. Bruce is clearly disgusted with the idea of fighting Beau Michaels.
Blackburn, who's been running down the whole company for his angle, mocks his opponents and gets double clotheslined as a result. Hiroshi follows up with a pin but gets kicked in the head by Promo. That's what generally happens when you don't remove the other person in the match before going for a pin...A series of moves leads to Blackburn hitting Rolling Thunder on Promo, and then getting dropkicked and legdropped by Hiroshi, which gets two...Promo gets back up and gets an airplane spin on Blackburn...Promo is then so dizzy Hiroshi kicks him in the head and gets 2...Blackburn then beats the hell out of Promo with a series of moves, and then Thunder Blackburn Bombs Hiroshi DEAD and gets the fall. ** -- It didn't go very long, but it did what was needed and that's put Blackburn over.
A promo between commish Ken Cloverleaf and his secretary tells us that a Mr. Anonymous will be signing with the company, and the net goes wild.
A graphic on the UCW-Tron lets us know that "He is Coming" if this had to do with the segement before or not I don't know.
The color team put JA over big time, as well they should.
No match as Bruce doesn't show up and Michaels wins by forfeit. Michaels cuts a promo on Bruce afterwards. --DUD
In the backstage area Promo and Hiroshi have a pull apart brawl.
Ken Cloverleaf suspends Big Gay Bruce for his no show...Bruce continues with his silence, which seems odd for a character that used gay baiting so overtly against The First and IrishRed to now be upset to the point of being suspended...Because he's been outgayed...Ah well, what do I know?
Marx will be fighting for the world title at Civil War, while AJ will be fighting for the US Title. Marx starts off with a DDT and a powerslam for 2... Marx with an overhead belly to belly suplex continues to dominate the match...Elbowdrop gets 2...AJ gets control with a punch to the gut and a neckbreaker...Springboard moonsault gets 2 for AJ...AJ hits an atomic drop for 2...
Cirrus hits a suplex and then goes up top, but misses the splash and gets put in the Marxism...This should be the finish, but AJ gets to the ropes...Way to kill the guy's finisher going into the World Title match...Marx goes after AJ after AJ gets back to his feet, and gets hit with the Bolt Of Lightning out of nowhere...Marx gets his foot on the ropes, but the ref counts the fall anyhow, giving AJ the win. **-- Good action in the ring but the booking has me scratching my head, it's screwy enough that AJ won the match, but also surviving Marx's finisher as Marx is heading to a world title match?
Post match Damon Blackburn MURDER DEATH KILLS AJ with the Thunder Blackburn Bomb off the rampway...He then declares himself A1E World Champion...Man, Beast is gonna be pissed when he gets the memo....
Marx cuts a promo vowing revenge on AJ and that he will in fact win the world title at Civil War.
Marx comes out with Jacobs and a tea kettle, he'll be with us for color.
Ryan comes out with his bag of horseshit...Ya know for a new company trying to get it's Champions over, one has to wonder why they let Blackburn and Ryan bury IrishRed at every turn...The match begins with a bunch of mat wrestling between Cruise and Benjamin, with Benjamin getting control and then tagging in Ryan...Ryan beats on Cruise a bit and then tags in Benjamin, who gets slammed by Cruise, who now tags in Red, who gets a pop...Red decks Benjamin with a punch and then clotheslines the hell out of him, getting 2...Kneelift gets 2...Cruise tagged back in and he hits a belly to belly suplex on Benjamin that gets 2 with Ryan making the save...Jacobs distracts the ref allowing Ryan to low bridge Cruise to the floor. So now Criuse is our Omni-Leagued Midcard Face in Peril...Red chases Jacobs to the back...Ryan throws Cruise back in and Benjamin gets a series of near falls on him before tagging Ryan back in...Ryan with the Abdominal Stretch with some help from Benjamin...Big kick to the head by Ryan gets 2...Benjamin tagged back in and he hits a SICK back suplex off the top which gets 2 as Red makes the save. Ryan tagged in and he goes for the Humility Bomb, but it's countered into a Rana by Cruise who just can't make the tag...Ryan tosses him to the ropes and a double clothesline ends up laying out both men...They both make the tag and Red is a house of fire and it's BONZO GONZO! Red cleans house and the action spills to the floor, where Red punches Marx while Marx is doing color...Marx responds by splitting Red open with a TEA KETTLE OF DOOM~! Shot to the head...Red is on dream street and gets cradled by Benjamin and the ref turns around in time to count the fall. ***-- I'm waffling on that rating a bit because I don't like that both Red and Marx lost on the way to the PPV, but it was a solid match besides that...
Post match, Rozy...The First's girlfriend who's been in a series of skits, shows up and generally annoys Red, until the lights go out and The First makes his return, Red and First brawl until Red gets caught in the ropes, reversing what happened at the previous PPV, but rather then kill Red dead with a chair and ruin all the storylines the company has going, The First instead cuts a promo on him, and that's the ballgame...
A solid show with the promise of new blood coming into the league, but the booking of the Marx/AJ match just leaves me baffled. UCW is a league on the rise, I just wish they ran their storylines a little better...Or that they would hire me and give me the book, since it's hard to live off my check from Best Buy and the bi-annual royalities checks from my books that total around 200 dollars.